Student Summer Food Access
6 out of 7 children who typically receive meals through school will go without over the summer.
6 out of 7 children who typically receive meals through school will go without over the summer.
Attention parents, teachers, and school admins! Know a child who might suffer from ‘Summer Slide’?
‘Summer slide’ sounds fun, but it is in fact a pernicious villian that steals learning from students over the summer.
Looking for a list of the nonprofits in Los Angeles working to advance an environmental justice mission?
Environmental justice is a key social justice issue and we have rounded up some changes that are attainable, easy to incorporate, or have an outsized impact.
#SupportingOurSector is a Starfish Impact curated giving collaborative of businesses in the community seeking to support the community in meaningful ways and magnify their own efforts by joining a group of socially conscious business peers. We’re excited to feature one of the businesses today, Bolton & Company.