In the ever-evolving social sector, where innovation, policy change, and entrepreneurship are welcomed, we always turn to our colleagues on the ground for guidance and their expertise. As you learn more about food justice, the following are a few of the organizations that we learn from. We invite you to click through each of them on your food justice journey to better understand the landscape in Washington, DC.
DC Greens
DC Greens advances food justice and health equity in the nation’s capital. They use the levers of food education, food access, and food policy to advance food justice and believe that one day all people will be powered by food that sustains the environment, reinvests in local economies, and improves well-being and health.
The Union of Concerned Scientists
The Union of Concerned Scientists is a national nonprofit organization founded more than 50 years ago by scientists and students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Their mission is to use rigorous, independent science to solve the planet’s most pressing problems. They are a part of the movement to build a better food system—one that provides healthy, sustainably produced food for all and treats everyone at every stage of the system fairly.
The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union
The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union feeds, serves, and provides for America’s hard-working families. It organizes primarily in the grocery, retail, packaging and processing, chemical workers, cannabis, and distillery industries.
International Labor Rights Forum
International Labor Rights Forum is a human rights organization that advances dignity and justice for workers in the global economy. Their core work is three-fold: holding global corporations accountable for labor rights violations in their supply chains; advancing policies and laws that protect workers; and strengthening workers’ ability to advocate for their rights.
Farmworker Justice
Farmworker Justice is a nonprofit organization that seeks to empower migrant and seasonal farmworkers to improve their living and working conditions, immigration status, health, occupational safety, and access to justice.
Food Recovery Network
Food Recovery Network is the leading brand in food recovery in America. Their network’s explosive growth can be attributed to their lean and time-tested model for starting food recovery programs on campuses as the largest student movement fighting food waste and hunger in America.
The Green Scheme
The Green Scheme was founded in 2011 by Washington, DC natives, Ronnie Webb and Joelle Robinson when they realized the lack of environmental awareness that existed in many communities. Fueled by a desire to impact the way people think about their health and their environment, Ronnie and Joelle created Green Scheme to organize, educate, and empower communities.
Rooftop Roots
Rooftop Roots is a nonprofit enterprise working to grow a more just, equitable, and sustainable future by transforming the way people engage with urban and suburban landscapes. Their certified Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professionals design, build, and maintain environmentally beneficial gardens for residential, commercial, and community clients, advancing their mission to grow food, jobs, and green spaces for all.
Broccoli City
Broccoli City is a social enterprise that roots itself in a triple bottom line strategy that focuses on people, planet, and profit. Broccoli City has a mission to build thriving urban communities that sustain future generations by mobilizing and educating urban millennials through social impact campaigns and major events. Through their programs, they are creating higher standards of sustainable living, environmental sustainability, economic opportunity, and access to high quality food and shelter.
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